Pediatric Dentistry

[section section_anchor=”” is_fullwidth=”” padding=”0″ animation=”” animation_delay=”0″ background_color=”” text_color=”” background_image=”” parallax=”0″ auto_generated=”1″ _made_with_builder=”true”][row][column width=”1_4″ animation=”” animation_delay=”0″ _made_with_builder=”true”][/column][column width=”1_2″ animation=”” animation_delay=”0″ _made_with_builder=”true”][special_heading title=”Pediatric Dentistry” subtitle=”” heading=”h1″ centered=”” _made_with_builder=”true”][/special_heading][text_block text=”<p style="text-align: left;" align="justify">Pediatric dentistry (formerly Pedodontics/Paedodontics)primarily focuses on children from birth through adolescence.&nbsp; The American Dental Association (ADA), recognizes pediatric dentistry as a specialty, and therefore requires dentists to undertake two or three years of additional training after completing a general dentistry degree.&nbsp; At the end of this training, the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry issues a unique diploma (Diplomate ABPD).&nbsp;&nbsp;Some pediatric dentists (pedodontists) opt to specialize in oral care for children with special needs, specifically children with autism, varying levels of mental retardation, or cerebral palsy.</p><p>One of the most important components of pediatric dentistry is <a href="">More…</a></p>” _made_with_builder=”true”][/text_block][accordion tabs=”[{"tab_title":"Baby Bottle Tooth Decay","tab_content":"Maintaining the health of primary (baby) teeth is exceptionally important. Although baby teeth will eventually be replaced, they fulfill several crucial functions in the meantime.\\r\\n\\r\\nBaby teeth aid enunciation and speech production, help a child chew food correctly, maintain space for adult teeth, and prevent the tongue from <a href=\\"Baby-Bottle-Tooth-Decay\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Care for Your Child\\u2019s Teeth","tab_content":"Pediatric oral care has two main components: preventative care at the pediatric dentist\\u2019s office and preventative care at home. Though infant and toddler caries (cavities) and tooth decay have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, a good dental strategy will eradicate the risk of both.\\r\\n\\r\\nThe goal of preventative oral care is to evaluate and preserve the health of the child\\u2019s teeth. Beginning at the age<a href=\\"Care-for-Your-Childs-Teeth\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Dental Emergencies","tab_content":"Although dental injuries and dental emergencies are often distressing for both children and parents, they are also extremely common. Approximately one third of children have experienced some type of dental trauma, and more have experienced a dental emergency.\\r\\n\\r\\nThere are two peak risk periods for dental trauma – the first being toddlerhood (18-40 months) when environmental exploration begins, and the second being the <a href=\\"\\/Dental-Emergencies\\">More<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Does Your Child Grind His or Her Teeth at Night?","tab_content":"Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth, is remarkably common in children and adults. For some children, this tooth grinding is limited to daytime hours, but nighttime grinding (during sleep) is most prevalent. Bruxism can lead to a wide range of <a href=\\"\\/does-your-child-grind-his-or-her-teeth-at-night\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Early Orthodontic Treatment","tab_content":"Orthodontic treatment is primarily used to prevent and correct \\u201cbite\\u201d irregularities. Several factors may contribute to such irregularities, including genetic factors, the early loss of primary (baby) teeth, and damaging oral habits (such as thumb sucking and developmental problems).\\r\\n\\r\\nOrthodontic irregularities may be present at <a href=\\"Early-Orthodontic-Treatment\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Eruption of Your Child\\u2019s Teeth","tab_content":"The eruption of primary teeth (also known as deciduous or baby teeth) follows a similar developmental timeline for most children. A full set of primary teeth begins to grow beneath the gums during the fourth month of pregnancy. For this reason, a nourishing prenatal diet is of paramount importance to <a href=\\"eruption-of-your-childs-teeth\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"First Visit","tab_content":"According to AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) guidelines, infants should initially visit the pediatric dentist around the time of their first birthday. First visits can be stressful for parents, especially for parents who have dental phobias themselves.\\r\\n\\r\\nIt is imperative for parents to continually <a href=\\"\\/first-visit\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Good Diet","tab_content":"A child\\u2019s general level of health often dictates his or her oral health, and vice versa. Therefore, supplying children with a well-balanced diet is more likely to produce healthier teeth and gums. A good diet provides the child with the many different nutrients he or she needs to grow. These nutrients are necessary for <a href=\\"\\/good-diet\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"How Often Should Children Have Dental Checkups?","tab_content":"The American Academy of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) advises parents to make biannual dental appointments for children, beginning approximately six months after <a href=\\"\\/how-often-should-children-have-dental-checkups\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"How to Prevent Cavities","tab_content":"Childhood cavities, also known as childhood tooth decay and childhood caries, are common in children all over the world. There are two main causes of cavities <a href=\\"\\/How-to-Prevent-Cavities\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Mouth Guards","tab_content":"Mouth guards, also known as sports guards or athletic mouth protectors, are crucial pieces of equipment for any child participating in potentially injurious recreational or sporting activities. Fitting snugly over the upper teeth, mouth guards protect the entire oral region from traumatic injury, preserving both the esthetic appearance and <a href=\\"\\/Mouth-Guards\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Sealing Out Tooth Decay","tab_content":"Tooth decay has become increasingly prevalent in preschoolers. Not only is tooth decay unpleasant and painful, it can also lead to more serious problems like premature tooth loss and childhood periodontal disease.\\r\\n\\r\\nDental sealants are an important tool in preventing childhood caries (cavities) and tooth decay. Especially when used in combination with <a href=\\"\\/sealing-out-tooth-decay\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Sedation Dentistry for Children","tab_content":"In contrast to general anesthesia (which renders the child unconscious), dental sedation is only intended to reduce the child\\u2019s anxiety and discomfort during dental visits. In some cases, the child may become drowsy or less active while sedated, but this will quickly desist after the procedure is completed.\\r\\n\\r\\nWhen is sedation used?\\r\\n\\r\\nSedation is used in several circumstances. Firstly, very young children are often unable to <a href=\\"\\/Sedation-Dentistry-for-Children\\"> More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"Tongue Piercing","tab_content":"There has been an upsurge in the amount of teenagers getting tongue piercings. Teenagers often view these piercings as a harmless expression of their growing individuality. Oftentimes, parents allow teens to pierce their tongues because the metal bar is impermanent. In addition, tongue bars are not as visually apparent as a tattoo or eyebrow piercing might be.\\r\\n\\r\\nUnfortunately, tongue piercings can have a serious <a href=\\"\\/tongue-piercing\\">More…<\\/a>"},{"tab_title":"What\\u2019s the Best Toothpaste for My Child?","tab_content":"Evaluating the many brands of oral products claiming to be \\u201cbest for children\\u201d can be an overwhelming task. Selecting an appropriately sized toothbrush and a nourishing, cleansing brand of children\\u2019s toothpaste is <a href=\\"why-are-primary-teeth-important\\"> More…<\\/a>"}]” _array_keys=”{"tabs":"tabs"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/accordion][/column][column width=”1_4″ animation=”” animation_delay=”0″ _made_with_builder=”true”][contact_form_custom form_width=”650″ form_bg_color=”#FFFFFF” form_shortcode=”[contact-form-7 id="7" title="Contact form 1"]” _made_with_builder=”true”][/contact_form_custom][/column][/row][/section]